Here are some of the questions we get asked a lot. They are completely legitimate. We hope that some information is better than no information on these.

Q. I submitted my name on the waiting list, did you really get it?
A. This is always a concern and we understand. There are two responses you will receive that will give you this assurance. 1) The web site will give you some response text indicating that the submission was successful. 2) You will receive an automated email from the web site. You may need to check your junk in box if you feel you didn’t receive the email.

Q. I’m now on the waiting list, how long will it take before I receive my NuEVI or NuRAD?
A. The short answer is, we are unable to accurately answer this. We realize this is not what you want to hear. To help you better understand, for countries located in the EU (currently), the waiting list can extend fairly long (at times an upwards of 2 years). This being said, the U.S. production queue is somewhat more current. We understand the frustration here.

Q. Can you give me an update on my position on the waiting list?
A. Unfortunately, at this time, we are unable to provide this information. (You will want to review through the previous question.)

Q. Is there a way to expedite my order?
A. This is a good question, though, know that many customers have been patiently waiting for long periods of time (upwards of 2 years at times). We strive to be fair with each customer who is looking forward to their NuEVI/NuRAD.

Q. Does my NuEVI or NuRAD come with a warranty?
A. Yes, for sure. As long as there wasn’t damage caused by accidents or misuse, we will cover it for 1 year.